Belly Fit Shirts for Plus Size Men

The Perfect Shirts for Big/Plus Size Men in India

Covid has changed the way we shop. Plus Size Men used to visit tailors to get their perfect size shirts. Major brands don't make plus size shirts for men. The reason is high cost.
It takes 1.5 to 1.6 meters of fabric to make a shirt for a Regular size person, but for Big Men, it may take 1.7 to 2 meters of fabric. Major brands avoid making big size shirts in India as the cost is high due to extra fabric used and extra time used for the production of such shirts.

Plus Size Men

The Problem with Ready-made Shirts.

Those who are lucky enough to get their size from branded companies may face tightness around the stomach.

XXXL Shirts

We are the first Indian brand in the world to invent a unique fit, called Belly fit for men with tummy.

Belly Fit Shirt, For Men with a Tummy.

Belly Fit Shirt
In Belly Fit, 2 inches extra space is provided for the tummy.

In the age where Covid still exists, visiting stores to get fabrics and then visiting tailors to get the measurements is definitely not a wise choice.
Apart from belly fit shirts, you can also order shirts in Regular size or can order custom size as per your body.
Privee Paris Clothing Solution
Privee Paris Clothing Solution Online

India's Best Shirt Brand for Big (Hearted) Men.

See our all shirt and order your perfect fit plus size shirts online at the comfort of home.
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